Vlada Lisenco » Агентство Инноваций и Развития

Vlada Lisenco

Doctor Habilitat in Law. Ended 5 years post-doctoral and 3 years doctoral studies in international law in Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Passed courses of improvement of qualification in the Moldovan, American and European Universities (James Madison USA, Queens University in Belfast, UK, etc), European Parliament, European Court for human rights and other international intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations. 

Wide professional experience as lecturer, consultant, trainer, project manager. Participation at various international  conferences/negotiations/bilateral meetings and university/think tanks discussions. Main spheres of competence: international law, human rights, good governance, phenomena of non-recognized states, peace, confidence building and conflict resolution, NGO and civil society development, education and innovations. Expert on the EU polices towards the countries from the former USSR, Eastern Europe as well as on the developments of Russian policies toward countries from the former Soviet bloc.

Currently -  Consultant on mobilization and promotion of confidence-building measures EU/UNDP СBM project; higher Education Reform Expert, Moldova; associate professor in the Transnistrian Shevchenko University. Between 2006-2015 has been working as a Head and National Legal Officer in the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Transnistria; between 2000-2006 has been actively involved into confidence building project activities in Moldova.

Доктор юридических наук, эксперт. Окончила очную аспирантуру и заочную докторантуру в МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова. Проходила курсы повышения квалификации в российских, европейских и американских университетах; стажировалась в Совете Европы и Институтах Европейского Союза. Профессиональный опыт работы в качестве юриста-Международника, администратора проектов, консультанта международных программ, бизнес- тренера.  Сферы компетенции: права человека, конфликтология, развитие НПО и гражданского общества, образование и инновации.

Агентство инноваций и развития

+ 373 533 80988
